Tuesday 31 January 2017

Best blogs so far...

Mitchel Rothwell - regular blogging and good updates as to plans and practice
Dan Brown - good quality of posts, clear sense of direction
Jack Geary - Detailed and uses a variety of ICT
Dominic Bramley - Detailed, regular and purposeful posting
Amy Calladine - Regular posts, range of methods of presentation
Karla McDermott - Excellent choice of presentation
Sidonie Wells - detailed, purposeful and good use of technology
Bayley Siddall - variety of posts and good use of tech

Thursday 26 January 2017

Please read: PRD and Equipment over half term

PRD 9th and 10th Feb: if you want to use this time to film you can but YOU MUST get permission from Mrs Burton beforehand and if other subject teachers request you to be in there session then this must take priority.
I will be running an AS revision session and a Blogger Catch-up session for those who need to do so. If you are filming over half-term and are booking equipment you must bring this back into school for people who wish to use it or have booked it over half-term.

Filming over half-term: by all means book the equipment for as many days as you need but if there is a shortage of available equipment then I may adjust your booking to allow as many people as possible to use the equipment. Be specific about which days you definitely wish to film and you will be expected to arrange to get the equipment to the next group/person for them to use.