Thursday 7 September 2017

Music Videos & Genre

Is genre a problem?

Does it mean artists have to behave and look a certain way? 

The artists have to look and behave a certain way based on the genre of their music so they fit into the music industry. 

Can they change their image/genre or do they risk losing their audience?

An example would be Taylor Swift who started off as a country singer and is now releasing more pop songs, therefore she has taken to risk to change genres and she has been successful, however this is due to having a large fan base. The risk of losing an audience does affect less popular music artists as they won't already have a large fan base. 

Who decides on genres? The audience or the music industry? How does a genre start?

Music artists release music that has never been heard before, then when people begin to like it other bands copy due to the success. 

Hartley (1994) and Hodge and Kress (1988)- genres limit creativity

Hartley argues that 'genres are agents of ideological closure - they limit the meaning-potential of a given text'. -Suggests genre acts as a straight jacket, limiting creative potential.

Hodge and Kress says genre 'control the behaviour of producers of such texts, and the expectations of potential consumers'. Again suggests the genres can limit creativity and often merely conform to the audience's expectations. 

Fiske (1987)- genres reflect the zeitgeist

Fiske asserts that generic conventions 'embody the crucial ideological concerns of the time in which they are popular. The suggests that genres tell us something about the way of the world' in  the time in which they are popular (the zeitgeist)

Wednesday 17 May 2017

G321 Foundation Portfolio Sample

Dear External Examiner,

Our AS students work individually or in groups but all are instructed to complete an individual blog. All of these are hyperlinked below as are the main productions.

8038 Dominic Bramley

8254 Elizabeth Wood

8142 Jaden Marriott

8222 Eleanor Watson-Green

8102 Emily Hardaker

8130 Feleti Kaho

8005 Macauley Sharman

8076 Jessica Emmingham

8310 Madison Tagg

9438 Bayley Siddall

8017 Richard Barnes

8274 Emily Grasby

8049 Amy Calladine

8316 Max Widdowson
Link to blog
Link to main production

9110 Jack Geary
Link to blog
Link to main production

Thursday 6 April 2017

I used fast cuts to demonstrate the possible emotional turmoil of the protagonist

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Representation of Age

As part of our work for Section A of the exam, we were asked to analyse the representation of certain age groups in TV dramas and relate this to actual demographic information. We looked at ________________. Although our thriller will focus on characters who are _________________ it was useful to understand where representation of certain age groups come from, common stereotypes and countertypes and how audiences of certain ages are targeted by real media productions. This is useful for us in constructing the representation of our characters and considering our audience.

Monday 6 February 2017

Need your views

Media Studies is changing in 2017. I would really appreciate you taking a few minutes to give me your views about why you took the course and what you would prefer.

Tuesday 31 January 2017

Best blogs so far...

Mitchel Rothwell - regular blogging and good updates as to plans and practice
Dan Brown - good quality of posts, clear sense of direction
Jack Geary - Detailed and uses a variety of ICT
Dominic Bramley - Detailed, regular and purposeful posting
Amy Calladine - Regular posts, range of methods of presentation
Karla McDermott - Excellent choice of presentation
Sidonie Wells - detailed, purposeful and good use of technology
Bayley Siddall - variety of posts and good use of tech

Thursday 26 January 2017

Please read: PRD and Equipment over half term

PRD 9th and 10th Feb: if you want to use this time to film you can but YOU MUST get permission from Mrs Burton beforehand and if other subject teachers request you to be in there session then this must take priority.
I will be running an AS revision session and a Blogger Catch-up session for those who need to do so. If you are filming over half-term and are booking equipment you must bring this back into school for people who wish to use it or have booked it over half-term.

Filming over half-term: by all means book the equipment for as many days as you need but if there is a shortage of available equipment then I may adjust your booking to allow as many people as possible to use the equipment. Be specific about which days you definitely wish to film and you will be expected to arrange to get the equipment to the next group/person for them to use.