Thursday 7 September 2017

Music Videos & Genre

Is genre a problem?

Does it mean artists have to behave and look a certain way? 

The artists have to look and behave a certain way based on the genre of their music so they fit into the music industry. 

Can they change their image/genre or do they risk losing their audience?

An example would be Taylor Swift who started off as a country singer and is now releasing more pop songs, therefore she has taken to risk to change genres and she has been successful, however this is due to having a large fan base. The risk of losing an audience does affect less popular music artists as they won't already have a large fan base. 

Who decides on genres? The audience or the music industry? How does a genre start?

Music artists release music that has never been heard before, then when people begin to like it other bands copy due to the success. 

Hartley (1994) and Hodge and Kress (1988)- genres limit creativity

Hartley argues that 'genres are agents of ideological closure - they limit the meaning-potential of a given text'. -Suggests genre acts as a straight jacket, limiting creative potential.

Hodge and Kress says genre 'control the behaviour of producers of such texts, and the expectations of potential consumers'. Again suggests the genres can limit creativity and often merely conform to the audience's expectations. 

Fiske (1987)- genres reflect the zeitgeist

Fiske asserts that generic conventions 'embody the crucial ideological concerns of the time in which they are popular. The suggests that genres tell us something about the way of the world' in  the time in which they are popular (the zeitgeist)

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